Dialogue Facilitation

I specialize in the design and facilitation of deeply meaningful, engaging, and often difficult conversations - amongst diverse stakeholders and within the community.

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Dish & Dialogues
Coquitlam125, City of Coquitlam

Part of Coquitlam’s 125th anniversary celebrations, a unique dinner series that blended ethnic food with lively and intimate conversation about living, working and playing in Coquitlam. The series highlighted Coquitlam's diversity and brought local residents together for an evening of storytelling and community building.  

"This opening Dish & Dialogues session proved fruitful, forging new bonds between neighbours and uniting residents together over shared connections, stories, and memories of Coquitlam."

From coquitlam125.com

Dialogues Wrap Up

Korean Session

Indian Session

Chinese Session

Video credit: Glen Chua

Dialogues Inspired by Cooking and Food
Welcoming Communities Project, City of Surrey

Through a series of cooking-demos and sharing food from around the world, Surrey residents explored their role in fostering welcoming and inclusive communities.  

Photo albums on Flickr.com

2013 09 18 Dialogues Inspired by Cooking and Food.jpg

​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

Hua Dialogues
University of British Columbia

Triggered by the democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, I led the co-facilitation of a student dialogue between students from across Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Chinese Canadian students in Vancouver. Sponsored by the UBC Institute of Asian Research.